I have always have a thing for the Twilight Zone, it was the best Sci-fi show ever. And it gave me a lot of inspirations for shirts, which Akbar went and shot-down. But anyways The Twilight Zone is a great show and you have to watch it. I am so hyped up right now because I just realized the Twilight Zone has a complete set with all the episodes! The set also has interviews and biographies on people that helped make the show. Anyways, it is usually 300 but amazon has a sale right now with it at 30% off. So go and COP IT Oh, but I forgot to tell you the best part! They are not in colour! My favourite episode is called "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and I watched it for the first time in grade seven and I sill remember the name. Here is a scene from the episode:
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