Sunday, March 22, 2009

Beginning | Akbar&Fahmad

We are new, there is no doubt about it. The blog has been around since Last spring and it is almost a year for the blog. But we didn't really get into it until mid September, when "The Avanti Unleashed" began. I could delete all those posts before but I keep them because they are like a sign showing people that we are just regular dudes that had an ambition and are going towards it. Before September, the blog was just a place where I could post some cool random things I could find. But now it is more focused, its focused on all the things that are related to "The Avanti Unleashed". We didn't know a thing about the business, and still don't know too much. But, we are learning.

We are taking the time and making sacrifices so we can learn all of this naturally, we need to know how this industry works and are beginning to feel it out. The line is releasing in the summer almost a year after we began! We are planning everything out properly so when we release we will be able to run with the big boys. The line has taken time, we took so long just to pick out our first line!

There are people who are front runners in this industry: Stussy, Freshjive, The Hundreds, and so many more. One day we hope to be able to be acknowledged as a group who provides products that can be compared to the front runners. The industry is overflowing with hundreds of indie brands who are trying to cover a part of a small market. Its hard, but we know that and are ready for anything. This is just the beginning but it feels like the longest time, we know that it will last much longer but only if you guys let it. Ultimately it is up to you, you guys are the ones who determine our future. So we give you "The Avanti Unleashed" do with it what you wish, We know you won't let anyone down.

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