Friday, January 30, 2009

Genocide | Sri Lanka

I find Sri Lanka's case very interesting because it is such a old problem, and has so many injuries and casualties along with it. Yet we never see it in the media, until today. Today there was a human chain (a very long one) starting at union station and expanding throughout downtown. There were elders, parents, little kids, and teenagers! Everyone was there, demanding that they get some help. I think that the media should go there (Sri Lanka) and show the governments and the rest of the world what the government of Sri Lanka is doing to people. It is bad. I have a lot of Tamil friend's and they know all about this, and comparing their stories to the ones I hear on the media are like DAY AND NIGHT! At least now the media is beginning to shine some light on the suffering Tamil's in Sri Lanka, but the Canadian government needs to listen to the voices of the 300,000+ Tamils in Toronto and help out the Tamils back home. You need to check things out and make sure you know the truth, how the government is corrupt, and how the Tamil Tigers are rebels that are HELPING people not causing pain. They are trying to cut out the pain! All I can say is good luck to the ones who truly want peace and harmony, one day it will come.

Our dearest condolences to the family and friends of anyone of the 400+ people that have died very recently.


Go to this poll, and vote for what should happen in Sri Lanka - Kishok

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